Inaugurated on 2 October 2011, the space of L'Arca, in Largo San Matteo in Teramo, programmes artistic and educational activities in the field of contemporary art, as well as proposing exhibitions, personal or collective, of emerging local artists or those of national and international importance.
Over time, L’Arca has played the role of a place for experimentation and debate expressly dedicated to contemporary arts and the possible ways of transmitting knowledge that innovate and enrich, through multiple contaminations, the traditional fields in which artistic creativity manifests itself. The idea of a workshop for the contemporary arts is not only to be understood as the provision of an exhibition space, but also as the possibility of using a space intended for workshop activities often carried out in the presence of the artists hosted.
In 2023, L'Arca celebrates a decade of important exhibitions by hosting a singular event: a collective exhibition of internationally renowned artists - Luigi Carboni, Fabrizio Cotognini, Matteo Fato, Giuseppe Stampone, Georgia Tribuiani - who have exhibited in its rooms over time, together with the young Teramo-born artist, Giuditta Branconi. Here again, art and culture are the fundamental pawns to show the concrete and fertile heritage generated by creativity, to be offered to the community and the new generations. In the rooms the works are arranged as in a mosaic. The intention was to reject the simple linearity of a single thread to stimulate multiple approaches, to show the strength of unique ʻvisionsʼ and ʻstoriesʼ. The challenge is to produce a subtle confrontation, an open field achieved through the technique of heterogeneous montage that can offer the viewer stimulating material. A device through which the viewer can find and create stories, echoing the truth contained in the incipit of The White Album by writer Joan Didion: "We tell stories to ourselves in order to live".
Since its inauguration, L’Arca has hosted numerous temporary installations. From 2011 to the present day, beyond the collective exhibitions, there have been major exhibitions by artists such as Giuseppe Stampone, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Gabriele Arruzzo, Enzo Cucchi, Guido Montauti, Giovanni Melarangelo and Banksy.
Monday: Closed
Tuesday and Wednesday: 10:00 - 13:00
Thursday to Sunday: 10:00 - 13:00 / 16:00 - 19:00
Special openings
Thursday 8 August from 16:00 to 20:00
Tuesday 10 September from 16:00 to 20:00