This information is provided pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as to the free circulation of such data (so-called "General Regulation on the processing of personal data" or "GDPR") and of Legislative Decree 06.30.2003, n. 196, so as amended and integrated by Legislative Decree 10.08.2018, n. 101 (“Code regarding personal data” or “Privacy Code”) to those who interact with the web services of the Teramo Museum Center of the Municipality of Teramo, accessible on the home page of the official website at the address:

Data Controller
The Data Controller is the Municipality of Teramo, in the person of the Mayor pro-tempore, which has its headquarters in Via G. Carducci, 33, Telephone 0861 3241.
The Data Controller, aware of the importance of guaranteeing the security of private information, in accordance with to applicable European and Italian legislation, in compliance with the principle of transparency referred to in art. 12, GDPR, below provides the following information in order to make the user aware of the characteristics and methods of the processing of personal data.

Type of data processed
The Data Controller processes the user's personal data that is provided during use of the website. In particular, the following are covered:

  1. browsing data not directly provided – and in any case acquired within the limits of the provisions of art.14, paragraph 5, GDPR – whose transmission is connected to the use of Internet communication protocols (for example, page accesses, amount of data transferred, session ID numbers, IP addresses, URL addresses, etc.) and for which please also refer to the Cookies policy which can be consulted on site;
  2. personal identification and/or contact data (name, surname, e-mail address) directly provided by the interested party with the possible sending of e-mails requesting information through the e-mail address available on the site.</li >

Purpose, legal basis and methods data processing
The user's data is collected to allow the Data Controller to provide its services, as well as as for the following purposes:

  1. make the features usable of the website following the user's access (legitimate interest);
  2. carry out statistical research/analysis on aggregate or anonymous data, therefore without the possibility of to identify the user, aimed at measuring the functioning of the site and the related operational functions, including the resolution of any technical problem;
  3. carry out tasks of public interest or connected to the exercise of public powers of which he is responsible invested in the Data Controller;
  4. fulfillment of legal obligations to which you are subject subjects;
  5. exercise the rights of the Owner (by way of example, ascertain, exercise or defend a right in court or whenever the jurisdictional authorities exercise their jurisdictional functions).

The legal basis of the processing is to be found in the legitimate interest of the Data Controller to offer an administrative service – social to citizens and to every user who intends to use it, as the website has mainly an information function.
The Data Controller processes the personal data of users and interested parties by adopting appropriate security measures aimed at preventing access, disclosure, the unauthorized modification or destruction of Personal Data.
The processing is based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness and and transparency and is carried out using IT and paper tools in a organizational strictly related to the purposes indicated above.
In addition to the Data Controller, in some cases, external parties (such as IT companies) and employees of the same, appropriately trained and authorized, may have access to the data: these subjects ensure levels of experience, ability and and reliability such as to guarantee compliance with current provisions on data protection and security.

Link to Cookie Policy</a >

Data storage
The Data Controller will process personal data for the time strictly necessary to fulfill the purposes above, in compliance with the principles of minimization and limitation of conservation referred to in art. 5, paragraph 1, letters c), e), GDPR. With regards to navigation data, they are deleted immediately after processing (except for any need to ascertain crimes by the judicial authority).

Categories of data recipients
As already specified, the treatment is carried out by the Data Controller and further recipients of the data are authorized, educated people, committed to confidentiality and responsible for the related activities. in relation to the purposes persecute. The updated list of subjects may be always be requested from the Data Controller. The data collected are not communicated to third parties, except for the possibility of for the Data Controller to communicate the data to subjects entitled to access it pursuant to legal provisions, regulations, community regulations, to the authority judicial, as well as to all other subjects to whom communication is mandatory by law.

Transfer of data to third countries
The data provided for the aforementioned purposes they are not subject to transfer to third countries or international organizations outside the European Union.

Rights of interested parties
The interested party can exercise the rights provided for by the articles. 15 and following of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and in particular the right to access one's personal data (art.15), to request rectification (art.16), updating if incomplete or incorrect, to request its limitation (art.18), and cancellation (art.17) if the conditions exist, as well as to oppose their treatment (art.21). These rights can be exercised by addressing the request to the Municipality of Teramo and to the Data Protection Officer - "DPO". Always remember the possibility to lodge a complaint with the authority competent personal data protection control body (Privacy Guarantor).

Contact details of the Data Controller and the DPO
The Data Controller Municipality of Teramo is reachable through the email addresses and by telephone Telephone 0861 3241. The Data Protection Officer - RPD/DPO is Dr. Roberto Angelini

Last update date: 12/15/2023